I have the most amazing support system ever! I know that everyone thinks that they have the best family out there, but I truly have the best family in the whole entire world. They have been there for me throughout all of the ups and downs of not only my infertility journey, but my life in general. I have the most amazing mother who has always been my very best friend and she has literally stood by my side through everything. No matter if she has agreed with my choices or not, she has been there and has supported me. I can call her at any time day or night and she will be there to listen. I have interrupted her sleep, dinner and many other things with my neediness, but she is there no matter what. And she can ALWAYS put a smile on my face! My father has always been there to give me encouragement. He may not even know how much the things he has said mean to me, but they have helped me in ways I could never explain. I have a little brother that is my best friend. I truly do not know what I would do without him and all of his help in making me laugh or getting my mind off of the negative things in my life. My grandmother has been and always will be one of the strongest women that I know. She has helped to strengthen me and always is brutally honest which is something that I need sometimes. My grandfather recently passed away but he helped to show me just how important family is. I know that he is up in Heaven watching over me and I only hope that I am making him proud with everything that I have accomplished lately. Last but certainly not least, let's not forget my husband. He is one of the most amazing men I have ever met. He has been there for me through all of this madness and is always the one to try to boost my spirits when I am feeling down. He has a very optimistic outlook on life and even though sometimes I do not necessarily see things the way he does - at least one of us sees the best side of things! I only hope that I am making each and every one of you proud and I thank you all for your help in getting through this! And of course, there are many many many other family members and friends that have helped me along the way. If I went on to talk about each and every one of them, this post would last forever! But, just know, that I appreciate every single one of you! <3
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