Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Got Some Catching Up To Do!!

Sorry for the delay in posts... I have not been feeling very great lately.  Not sick, just been feeling kind of down...  It is hard to believe that this month marks one year since my very first appointment with the infertility specialist.

Anyways, on to the update!

My second artificial insemination was a failure.... again...  So we started round number 12 on April 9th.  Again, I am doing the highest dosage of Femara for 5 days and also doing the hormone injections for 3 days.  I have a doctor appointment coming up at the end of the week where we will find out whether or not I have any mature follicles.  If I do, we will go forward and try another artificial insemination.  At this appointment, we also plan on discussing the option of trying invitro fertilization if this round is another failure.  I have been terrified by the thought of having to do invitro since it is extremely expensive.  But, hopefully, we will be able to figure out a way to afford it and make it all work.

I have been feeling very down about myself lately.  I feel like my self worth and self confidence is really diminishing due to the fact that my body is choosing not to cooperate when it comes to getting pregnant.  And my body is also suffering more and more with each passing round.  I know that weight is only temporary, but when you are gaining a ton of weight every month due to all of the medications that you are on, it really starts to mess with your confidence.  I barely even want to go out and do things anymore.  I have always been a very confident person but that has really all gone out the window.  Ugh... I just hope that I start to feel comfortable in my own skin again soon.  Plus, buying new clothes every couple of months is getting expensive! ;-)

Moving on...  please pray for my husband and I as we approach the end of the 12th round of our fertility treatments.  I could really use a break and use some good news soon.  I have hope that this will all work out and this will all be worth it.

Thank you all for your love and support throughout the past year!


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