Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Finally... Some AMAZING News!

There is soooo much to talk about in this post!  First of all, I want to explain what happened with Round 12.  Round 12 did not seem very promising.  We had a 'some-what' mature follicle but nothing as big as we had seen before.  We also did not get to try artificial insemination since ovulation would have occurred over the weekend and we had no exact way of knowing when the follicle would be mature enough to release an egg.  So, we just had to take it one day at a time....

At the appointment for round 12, the doctor told me that he suggested that I have surgery at the end of May (if I did not end up pregnant).  So... I had that weighing over my head.  I know that no one enjoys surgery, but this really freaked me out!  To know that they would be going in and messing with my reproductive organs worried me...  They would go in through my belly button and "check" to make sure everything was okay.  If it was not, they would try to correct it while they were in there (as long as it did not pose a threat to me).  If there was something severely wrong - we would just have to jump to Invitro.

Now, with all of that said... I did not have to do surgery OR invitro!  We are officially pregnant!  After 12 rounds of meds and a whole year of seeing the infertility specialist, we have finally succeeded!

I promise that I will NEVER forget the journey that I have had to travel in order to get to this point.  I will always be there for any woman who may need encouragement or even just to vent.  I know, first hand, how difficult this life can be.  And I do not want my excitement to make me seem as though I do not appreciate all of the support and love that I received while going through this... And I want to make sure that I am able to give every other woman facing infertility the love and support that I have received!

With that said...  I can still use thoughts and prayers since I am not yet through my first trimester.  I am also high risk due to a blood disorder that I have.  I will be starting blood thinners soon and will have my first ultrasound on May 27th! :)

Thank you all sooooooo much for your love and support!
